World history Index 학년별 세계사 목차미국온라인고등학교 2022. 2. 17. 16:42
World history Index
6th Grade
1. Stone Age
2. Bronze and Iron Age
3. Ancient Egypt
4. Science, culture, and religion in ancient Egypt
5. Ancient Division
6. Phoenicians, Persians, and Hebrews
7. Ancient India and Ancient China
8. Ancient American Civilizations
9. Ancient Greece
10. Science, art, and culture in ancient Greece
11. Ancient Rome
12. Facilities and culture in ancient Rome
13. Development of European lands in the early Middle Ages
14. Arab culture and Islam
15. The Vikings
7th Grade
1. Society and everyday life in the Middle Ages
2. The role of Christianity in European civilization
3. European and Asian lands in the Middle Ages
4. European culture in the Middle Ages
5. Renaissance and humanism
6. Great geographical discoveries
7. Reformation
8. Development of European countries at the beginning of modern times
8th Grade
1. Education, science, and culture in modern times
2. Colonies and metropolises
3. The formation of the United States
4. The Industrial Revolution
5. World 19th - 20th century in turn
6. First World War
9th Grade
1. Interwar period
2. Ideological directions: Nazism and Communism
3. World War II, the Holocaust
4. Two political systems after World War II
5. European integration
6. Culture of the 20th century in the beginning: Art
7. Culture of the 20th-century beginning: Science, sports, music, literature, cinema
8. Culture: Architecture of the 19th century at the end of the 20th century
10th Grade
1. Description of historical science
2. The beginnings of humanity
3. Human development. Stone Age
4. Old times
5. The first civilizations
6. The first European civilizations. Greece
7. The first European civilizations. Rome
8. Residents of the territory of Latvia
9. Origin and development of Christianity
10. Characteristics of the Middle Ages. Religiosity.
11. Viking times
12. Political and economic life in the Middle Ages
13. Islam
14. Crusades
11th Grade
1. The emergence of Christianity
2. Europe in the late Middle Ages
3. The Middle Ages in the territory of Latvia
4. The world at the beginning of the new age
5. The emergence of a modern Europe
6. US War of Independence
7. The territory of Latvia in modern times
8. The Great French Revolution
12th Grade
1. 19th-century end of the 20th century beginning in Latvia
2. 19th-century socio-political characteristics
3. World War I.
4. Proclamation of Latvia. Fight for freedom.
5. In the US interwar period
6. In the authoritarian stage of the Republic of Latvia
7. In the parliamentary stage of the Republic of Latvia
8. The interwar period in Europe
9. Totalitarianism, authoritarianism in Europe
10. The Soviet Union in the 1920s and 1930s
11. World War II
12. Latvia in World War II
13. Latvia in the USSR
14. The world after World War II
15. The beginning of a change in Latvia, the Baltics
16. Consolidation and restoration of independence
17. Renewal of the Republic of Latvia'미국온라인고등학교' 카테고리의 다른 글
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